Tuesday, January 22, 2013

The Difference Between a Film Trailor and a Film Opening

Film Trailor:
  • Gives information about the film.
  • Fades to black are regularly used.
  • Shows a montage of clips from the film.
  • Shows sections of the film that will grab audiences attention and get them into cinemas to watch the film.
  • Title of the film at the end.
  • Shows actors names.
  • Might have a tag line.
  • Institution logos at the start.
Film Opening Sequence:
  • Details of cast, crew and institutions.
  • A films title.
  • An introduction to charactor.
  • Indictation of place.
  • Indication of historical place.
  • Information regarding mood and tone.
  • Introduction to signature theme tune.
  • Information about genre.
  • Questions that the viewer finds intriguing.
  • Patterns and types of editing that will be echoed throughout.
  • Mise en scene and cinematography that will be echoed and elaborated upon later in the film.
  • Sets the film up.

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