Saturday, April 6, 2013

Evaluation: Question 6

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing the product?

HD Camera: The use of a HD camera made it very easy to capture the shots that we needed. Although when panning or using a tracking shot it did blur slightly. In the panning shot we were able to use the slight blur to our advantage by making it seem like the characters were feeling hazy in the situation.We did face a few issues being that the camera picked up the lighting differently in different areas of the room, but this was easily overcome with the use of editing software in post-production.

Tripod: We used a tripod to help keep shots steady in order for the film to look smooth. This helped greatly in shots that needed to be held the same position for a long amount of time.

iMovie: Editing with imovie was very easy to get to grips with. We were able to edit the colours in clips so that they weren't affected by the slight lighting change throughout the room. We also found it very useful to detatch the audio from the clips so that we could improve the continuity and fluidity of the transitions. We were also able to overlap different sound effects to create the desired effect. We used a fair few fade to blacks as we found that these were the most appropriate and least overpowering transitions between scenes.

Problems we encountered: The only real problems we encountered whilst filming was that as we wanted it to be set during night time, we had to keep making sure that there wasn't any reflections of us or the equipment in the windows.

Working as a group: Our group was very good at splitting up the different jobs between us which helped us all get an understanding of how the different pieces of equipment worked. We used all of our different individual skills as an advantage towards the process of creating out media product.

Blogger: I found using blogger to log my work very helpful. It made it so much easier to track where I was at with my work and what I needed to do to improve. At first I found it slightly difficult to get to grips with, but after getting used to it, it has become much easier.

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